
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

For issues that need attention send an empty envelope with return address written on it. And complete address should be clearly visible on it. If the return envelope is not provided, a reply will not be given. While writing do not use additional glue or tape. Don’t use stapler. Confidentiality will be valued. Write on one side of the page. Write name, name of the city, or complete address at the end of the letter. Note: Only eat that food that has been prescribed for you. Write a short letter so that it is easy to reply.

Refrain your children from eating betel nut (چھالیہ):

My middle son is ailing since age of 10, my all other children werehealthy but especiallythis child was very healthy and more beautifulthan others. Once he was going with servant while police arrested them they thought that servant has kidnapped some foreigner child. Police called us and we brought back servant and child but now I start crying whenever I see him. Now all of his beauty has vanished just because of eating sweet betel nut (چھالیہ).Someday his older brother gave him betel palm(سونفسپاری) when he laughed that thing stuck in his wind wipe and his breath discontinued.  I ran towards their room after hearing the noise. I saw he was crying with tears and he was unable to speak and breathe.Immediately I gave him water& he became well after few hours. After few days, he was diagnosed with breathing problem. During his stroke, all the medicines and injections became useless. Dctors said we have never seen such disease. After X-ray, it was diagnosed that his heart was misplaced towards right. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia but nothing improved after treatment so we took him to England. There we showed his X-ray to a doctor in London. He said something is stuck in his wind pipe he should be operated immediately. He performed the operation and we were astonished to see that it was the piece of betel nut (چھالیہ) that was stuck. At last child’s life was saved. He is now 22 year old and all right with no breathing problems and his heart is also in its original place, but his health is not like before. His complexion has darkened like it is burned. He cannot run. Biggest trouble is that his memory has got weak. That’s why he is left behind in studies. He forgets whatever he reads and forgets where he placed his things. He can’t memorize names and can’t study.  (F,Lahore)

Suggestion: Say thanks to ALLAH that he has blessed your child with a new life. Many of the children died just because sweet betel nut (چھالیہ) was stuck in their wind pipe. Newspapers have also got tired writing articles about this issue.Anyhow, give him three spoons of original honey after every meal, and in breakfast give high quality almonds, original honey and currant (کشمش). Use Original butter fat (دیسیگھی) and original butter in his food. For medicine give him (والاارشدحکیمبریشمخمیرا). Buy it from some honest practitioner and use it as prescribed. Inshallah he will be cured in 3 months. His memory will also improve. Use food from chart number 2.

I am in severe pain:

I am in severe pain, need suggestion. Age is 60 years; I am a patient of blood pressure. Since 15 years I am having allopathic medicine. It is useful only till I keep eating it. I lose my temper very quickly. Experience anxiety, and my heart beats fast when someone closes door hardly, headache, excess in weight, pain in feet. When I stand, this pain is from heels till fingers of feet and all this place becomes numband underneath part of feet remains cold and now this pain has increased till my knees due to which I am unable to walk. This pain is becoming permanent now. I feel that there is a fish pressed under my feet. Feel fire crackers in ankles. Upper blood pressure remains around 125-200 and lower around 110. (ArshadIqbal, Belgium)

Suggestion: Mix original honey 1 table spoon, 3 table spoon rose water (عرقگلاب),half small bowl of sap of anise (عرقسونف) and drink it thrice a day. Take spice less food, pumpkin, zucchini, white radish, carrot and cucumber and for few days eat bread (Chapatti) without salt. In fruits take melon (گرما, سردا), بیدانہ, pomegranate, pieces of sugar cane, orange (مسمی), pear (ناشپاتی), custard-apple (شریفہ), banana, and you can also take big grapes without seeds. Apart from this, smell original rose water of Istanbul which is easily available there. Infact spray it on your clothes daily and place cotton dipped in it in ears. If someone can’t find original rose water,he can smell original rose too. It will also be effective for heart beat and anxiety etc. Use food from chat number 1.

Shoulder bone has increased:

Since 3 year I have severe pain in my right shoulder and right side of neck, a lot of X-rays have been done, after a lot of effort few doctors said that some shoulder bone has increased. This pain is from last 3 years. Sometime pain is so severe that I can’teven sleep. (NailaRaza, Peshawar)

Suggestion: Eat 6gفلاسفہمعجون in morning before eating anything else. Avoid cold and sour things, rice, milk, lassi, yogurt, cold drinks and do exercises in which raise your head towards sky at least 5 times. Lower your head 5 time so that chin touches chest. 5 time move your head towards right and 5 times towards left, do this exercise 3 times a day. Similarly, straighten your arms and bring them in front and then move them towards back then move them up and then down - do this at least 15 min daily. Hopefully there will be no need of operation. To bring shine in silk clothes:If you want shine in silk clothes then wash your clothes in water in which potatoes were boiled.

Dark spot:

I had a small pimple on my face gradually it increased then it became a blister. I was using a homely remedy but when it turned intoa blister, then I thought that it will not cure at home. So I went to the doctor. He cleaned and medicated it for 2-3 days and also gave medicine to eat. Now it is fine and there is no pain but it has left behind a spot as if the skin is burnt. It is the matter of my face that’s why I am very worried. I am using cream in tube for it but all in vain. I am a student; please reply soon. Thanks. (Zeba, Karachi)

Suggestion: Most important thing is that don’t use any kind of tube or crème on your face for this mark. There is no crème available in market to remove such marks (according to our information). There are so many claims in advertisements. By using such medicines there might not be any benefit but there is always a threat of damage. It might cause some permanent marks on face. If you leave this mark as it is, then it will dim with the passage of time and will eventually disappear. In fact if you use vapid butter on it daily it will disappear soon. Don’t even use lemon juice on it. Use food form chart number 3.

I am afraid of becoming blind:

All the time I experience headache. Age is 17 years. I have given exam of 2nd year and I am afraid that how I will be able to study further.I always have headache, pain is not severe but it is always there. My eyesight is perfect but this pain is affecting my view. Sometime during study I feel dizzy. Sometime I see lines in front of my eyes and sometime I feel some strange kind of faces made with these lines. I am not sure what I see. Sometime I experience such severe pain in my neck that I can’t even move it. Due to this pain I don’t even like to eat food. I have treated it with all kind of treatments. I am afraid of becoming blind. (Sidra Zainab, Lahore)

Suggestion: We think that your condition is not so severe as you think. Eat half teaspoon original والاجواہرعنبریزبانگاؤخمیرہ in morning without eating or drinking anything else and in evening take half teaspoon when your stomach is empty. Apart from this, in breakfast eat original butter and special quality of almonds. Before dawn, take deep breaths for 5 minutes in fresh air. Use food from chart number 2.

Strange disease:

My age is 19 years and I have a strange disease. That is I have strange kind of long white lines on my body from back and mainly on shoulders till elbows; on both arms. These lines appeared recently, 3-4 months back there were no such lines. I am very upset. (Faizan Ali, Queeta)

Suggestion: Buy best quality of شعبہ معجون form some honest herbiest and eat ½ teaspoon in morning and evening. Avoid milk, rice etc. Use food from chart number 1.


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